Posted on November 22, 2023 in 2023 December, Lifestyle and Wellness

Why Running?

Running gets a bad rap for being high impact, but it can greatly improve overall fitness with minimal equipment.

WHO: You don’t have to be an elite marathoner to benefit from running. Runners are on treadmills, roads, tracks, and trails.

WHAT: Stick with these key things:

WHY? Running is an aerobic exercise that challenges your heart and lungs, improving their efficiency over time. Regular running helps increase your cardiovascular endurance, making it easier for your body to supply oxygen to working muscles and sustain physical activity for longer durations. Also, regular running sessions can help you burn calories and maintain a healthy body weight, or even contribute to weight loss when combined with a balanced diet.

HOW? If you’re lacing up your shoes for the first time, there are many beginner programs online to get you started. Here’s a quick look into some different types of runs to improve speed and/or endurance.

  • Base: Your starting point with running. What is comfortable to you?
  • Progression: Starts with a natural pace and ends with a race goal pace.
  • Hill repeats: Running an incline as fast as you can and walking or slowly running down. Repeat five times.
  • Intervals: Segments of running mixed with segments or a slower pace or even walking.
  • Tempo: Not a sprint, but a pace faster than what you could hold for hours.
  • Long: Longer distances at an easier pace. Designed to improve endurance.

Grab a pair of running shoes, some comfortable clothing, and a dash of motivation!