Posted on September 26, 2022 in 2022 November, Lifestyle and Wellness

The Buzz on CBD

by admin

Over the last few years, you may have noticed a rash of stores opening that sell CBD products, touting their health benefits. CBD is an ingredient in cannabis (marijuana). However, unlike THC, which is the substance in marijuana that can get you “high,” CBD is not psychoactive or intoxicating. It is also legal to varying extents in all fifty states. While some may claim an outlandish number of benefits that can be derived from CBD, some positive effects have scientific studies backing them.

CBD is said to help with anxiety, and one small study indicates that a certain measured dose of CBD oil can do just that. More studies and human trials are underway to confirm this effect.

Directly related, some small studies have indicated that CBD may help ease the effects of post-traumatic stress disorder when coupled with therapy.

Other small studies show that topical application of CBD may help reduce physical pain, particularly for people suffering chronic, non-cancer pain.

The best-studied and scientifically established use of CBD is to treat certain kinds of epileptic seizures. Based on several large studies that demonstrated CBD’s effectiveness, the FDA approved the first medication to include cannabinoids in 2018.

While there appear to be many possible benefits to taking CBD, there is a risk of side effects, which can include nausea, liver injury, fatigue, and irritability. CBD can also interact with other medications, so if you take CBD regularly or are thinking about starting, talk to your doctor first to make sure it is a safe and healthy choice for you.

Cannabidiol (CBD): What we know and what we don’t – Harvard Health
CBD Oil: 9 Science-Backed Benefits – Forbes Health
CBD: Health Benefits, Risks, Dosage, and More (