Sometimes we need a little bit of quick, basic medical advice to guide us rather than hopping into the car and driving to the doctor.
A nurseline is one such service. Available through many medical plans, a nurseline provides 24/7 access to trained healthcare professionals (often nurses and sometimes doctors) who help address basic healthcare questions and help you figure out what your next steps should be — whether you can safely manage your condition at home or whether you need to go to the doctor or emergency room. These can be questions about symptoms you are experiencing, medication side effects, and what you should do to care for yourself after basic injury or illness. You can also ask about medications you are currently taking and side effects you may be experiencing. Some nurselines can also help you find care nearby. Exact services may vary based on your insurance provider, so be sure to check your provider’s website to see what nurseline services are available to you.
Call the nurse line for expert advice – Mayo Clinic Health System
24 hour nurse line: Your access to healthcare information | Blue Cross Blue Shield (
CareLine: 24/7 nurse line for members and patients | HealthPartners