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2022 March

Seizure First Aid

The most commonly known seizure is the tonic-clonic seizure, which has the characteristic convulsions. There are several things to keep in mind when aiding someone experiencing a tonic-clonic seizure.

Do’s and Don’ts


DO stay with the person. Be calm and reassure them that they will be alright. Time the seizure. If it lasts more than four minutes, or you know or suspect this is the person’s first seizure, or the person injured themselves falling or convulsing, call 911. You can also check to see if the person has a rescue medicine on them – typically a nasal spray. DON’T panic, leave, or try to restrain the person.


DO move away any sharp or hard objects the person could bump into while seizing.


DON’T try to hold the person down or place anything in their mouths (it is a myth that people can swallow their tongues during seizures).


DO gently roll the person onto their side to help them breathe, and place something soft and flat like a folded jacket under their head. DON’T try to perform CPR or give mouth-to-mouth resuscitation.


When the seizure has ended, DO stay with the person until they are alert and know where they are and what has happened. Offer reassurance that you will be there until they are alright. Ask questions such as “What is today’s date?” to make sure they are no longer confused. You may check to see whether seizures are a known condition and if they need further medical care.


DON’T immediately leave or try to give them water or food until they are fully alert. They may seem alright but still be disoriented.

Seizures can be scary, but the most important things you can do are remain calm and make the environment as safe as possible until the person has fully recovered.


Seizure First Aid – Epilepsy Foundation of Minnesota (
First Aid for Tonic-Clonic Seizures | Epilepsy Foundation
Seizure First Aid | Epilepsy | CDC

Sleep Tight

Melatonin is a hormone that our brains produce when it gets dark, helping us regulate our internal clocks and circadian rhythms. Sometimes our brains don’t make quite enough, and many of us simply need a little extra help to get to sleep at one point or another.

Melatonin supplements can be helpful for insomnia by simply helping your body be ready to go to sleep. Similarly, it can be helpful for people with delayed sleep phase syndrome, who fall asleep and wake up on an internal schedule much later than most people. It has also shown to be helpful for jet lag and helping you adjust to a time zone very different from your own.

Some doctors encourage not just using melatonin as a cheat code to sleep. Making sure you are exposed to sunshine during the day helps your body know when to make its own melatonin. Turning down the lights a couple hours before bed and limiting screen time at night will also help your brain’s melatonin production. You may find after a few days of taking melatonin that you are able to fall asleep easily on your own again.

Like many supplements, melatonin is not for everyone. It is not recommended for people who are pregnant or breastfeeding, have a seizure disorder, or high blood pressure. Before you start taking melatonin, make sure you are not taking any medications that interact with melatonin. If you are having trouble sleeping, it is safest to talk to your doctor to make sure melatonin is a good choice for you.


Melatonin for Sleep: Does It Work? | Johns Hopkins Medicine
Melatonin: What You Need To Know | NCCIH (
Melatonin – Mayo Clinic

Easy Medical Answers

2022 March, Benefit Spotlight February 9, 2022

Sometimes we need a little bit of quick, basic medical advice to guide us rather than hopping into the car and driving to the doctor.

A nurseline is one such service. Available through many medical plans, a nurseline provides 24/7 access to trained healthcare professionals (often nurses and sometimes doctors) who help address basic healthcare questions and help you figure out what your next steps should be — whether you can safely manage your condition at home or whether you need to go to the doctor or emergency room. These can be questions about symptoms you are experiencing, medication side effects, and what you should do to care for yourself after basic injury or illness. You can also ask about medications you are currently taking and side effects you may be experiencing. Some nurselines can also help you find care nearby. Exact services may vary based on your insurance provider, so be sure to check your provider’s website to see what nurseline services are available to you.


Call the nurse line for expert advice – Mayo Clinic Health System
24 hour nurse line: Your access to healthcare information | Blue Cross Blue Shield (
CareLine: 24/7 nurse line for members and patients | HealthPartners

Managing Anger

Everyone gets angry sometimes. It’s a natural part of being human, and anger has a place in a healthy emotional spectrum.

Sometimes, however, anger can get out of hand. It can show up too often, hang around for too long, or happen too easily. Unmanageable anger can be incredibly harmful both to the person experiencing it and those they interact with, psychologically and physically. It can strain family and working relationships and place physical stress on the angry person, manifesting in high blood pressure and increased risk of heart disease.

It may be difficult to recognize if you need help managing your anger. If you recognize any of the following, you might consider counseling:

  • Family or friends have told you that you may have an anger problem
  • People have distanced themselves from you because of your behavior
  • You feel angry often
  • You have trouble getting along with family and coworkers
  • You think about being aggressive or violent when angry, or have been aggressive or violent when angry

If any of these sound familiar, you may need counseling. Cognitive-behavioral therapy is the most-researched type of therapy for anger management. It helps people recognize harmful thought patterns and change the way that they think. For anger management, this can involve identifying anger triggers, becoming aware of one’s emotions throughout the process of being angry, and even uncovering whether there are other mental health issues related to anger, such as depression or anxiety.

Managing your anger is healthy for you and those around you. Check with your insurance provider to find a licensed counselor or psychologist near you. Constant anger is hard on you and your friends and family, and there is no shame in getting help.


Understanding anger: How psychologists help with anger problems (
Anger Management (